Make Your Own Kind Of Music


What: Music Tuition
Who: S1-S4 Pupils
Where: ASL Schools


In this project, we provide music tuition and performance opportunities for children in S1-S4 in Additional Support for Learning schools in Glasgow. We use our supported music framework to design workshops that develop musical and social skills. There is an emphasis on communication, numeracy/literacy, and the development of self-confidence. We provide accessible musical instruments so that everyone can participate in our sessions and enjoy being a member of the band. At the end of a term, participants showcase what they’ve been working on at a school performance for staff, families and peers. 

“…the fact that musicALL is for all is a fantastic thing for us and it means that we are not only included but we are at the forefront of musicALL’s mission statement and the kinds of things that they want to do. So it gives our pupils opportunities that they otherwise wouldn’t have or would really struggle to get.” – Teacher at Hollybrook Academy

For one pupil. he gained so much confidence performing for his school mates particularly as each pupil was given a solo part in a song. this pupil has never before performed on his own and that was an incredible boost to his confidence.” – Teacher at Linburn Academy